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Hi, I am Lize

​Your gut is a universe unto itself—a bustling ecosystem of trillions of microbes that influence everything from digestion to mood to immunity. For years, we’ve been told that a “healthy gut” comes from eating yogurt, cutting sugar, or popping a probiotic. But here’s the catch: what works for one  persons gut might wreak havoc with another and that is where out families health story starts.


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Our journey started when I could not find the answers to my daughter's persistent tummy ache. Blood test and a gut inflammation stool test showed that everything was normal, but it was not normal to have tummy aches on a weekly basis, right? It was a constant worry, we tried everything, recommended food elimination diets, focusing EVEN MORE on a healthy diet, giving her probiotics (which actually made her tummy ache worse), we were puzzled and stressed! â€‹


Everything changed when we took her to a Naturopath and she ordered a comprehensive gut analysis. Turns out she had a parasite, some overgrown yeast (candida) and some of her "good bugs" were out of balance (aka insufficiency dysbiosis). Thanks to the recommendation that we followed by our Naturopath we were able to correct this dysbiotic gut and no more tummy aches. Phew!


I was so relieved that we finally found the underlying cause of my daughter gut issue and I knew I wanted to help other families. I am now a qualified Naturopath with a specialisation in Western Herbal Medicine and am passionate about personalised gut health. 


I look forward to connecting with you!



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The information provided through functional lab testing should not be relied on for any diagnostic purposes, please see your doctor first if you are seeking a diagnosis or treatment for any specific medical health condition. 


© 2024 Lize Copeland

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